August 4, 2017 at 21:49 #1719
Tonight I discovered that NL has actually improved one old bug instead of only adding new features.
Remember the “hovering” attribute that never worked.
The “Hovering” attribute you can set for helos actually now work with the and executables.
It means that right from the beginning of a map the helo blades are fully spinning.
The helo is also at the exact spot where you placed it in the air in NILE.
You still have to attach an AI as pilot otherwise the it will fall to the ground.With and previous releases it has never worked.
You had to place a fence (in AW2’s case an invisible wall would do the trick) below the helo to prevent it from falling to the ground. The blades first spins up once an AI has attached to it, which usually means a 15 sec delay before the blades are fully spinning.
So often you get into a map, starting in the helo where it starts to spin up while you’re in mid air.Anyway, it’s never been a big issue. It was just fun to discover that NL actually has fixed an issue. I don’t even know if they’re themselves are aware of it because it was never listed in the update log for the 1.7xx executables.
August 10, 2017 at 04:06 #1807
Thanks captain, if/when I get time to making some new maps these little tips help with designing maps. There are some many little things/features (mostly unnoticed) that just make AW2 a great game!
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