Walther 2000 Silenced
Accuracy: Very High
Weapon Class: Primary
The Walther 2000 Silenced is a gas-operated sniper rifle and uses 7.62x51mm ammunition. It has an effective range of nearly 1000 meters.

L1A1 SLR Rifle
Accuracy: High
Weapon Class: Primary
The L1A1 SLR is the British version of the Belgian FN FAL rifle. The L1A1 is a reliable, hard-hitting, gas-operated, magazine-fed rifle.

Accuracy: Very High
Weapon Class: Primary
The PSG-1 is a lightweight sniper rifle used for mid-range sharp shooting. It was intended only for special forces and is very popular among them. It enters service with German, and a number of other counties, special and police forces.

Accuracy: Low
Weapon Class: Secondary
The Flaregun lights up the night with a red flare and will light up the place to a 20m radius and keep lit for 25 seconds. Very useful in dark environment!

The Nuke (powerup)
Accuracy: High
Weapon Class: Powerup
The NUKE is the deadliest weapon in AW2. It can not be selected in the armory by a player but works as a powerup that can be placed by the map maker in a map for players to pickup as an extra weapon and designate on any target they choose. Just be sure to stay away from the blast radius - then sit back, grab a cold one and enjoy the fireworks!

Molotov Cocktail
Accuracy: Low
Weapon Class: Accessory
The Molotov Cocktail is a fun addtion and is just as powerful as a regular grenade but has the advantage of exploding on impact. Explosion causes casualties out to 15 meters

Accuracy: Low
Weapon Class: Accessory
The Flamethrower is one of the latest additions to AW2 and is very efficient for cleaning out CQB areas. While its firing range is limited, the flames do great damage to anyone who gets in their way, including your teammates so check your surroundings when using it. The flamethrower has a overheating indicator showing when it needs time to cool down. If used excessively, it can even destroy light-armor vehicles. It honestly does not get any hotter than this!

Accuracy: Very High
Weapon Class: Accessory
The Satchel is the most powerful charge to blow up targets. Place the explosive package on a target, move to a safe position, select the detonator (key '8') and press the detonator.
In AW2, the detonator has been reworked with a timer delay and charge up sound.

Slug Shotgun
Accuracy: Medium
Weapon Class: Secondary
The Slug Shotgun is perfect when there are multiple enemies within a close distance of each other. In AW2, the shotgun has been modified into a slug shotgun with advantages like:
- More recoil. When you fire the shotgun it shakes more, giving it a more powerful feel to it
- Increased the bullet damage for the shotgun
- Blood effects when you shoot players or AI
- With the slug follows a more accurate and powerful shot.

Med Pack
Medics can carry Med Packs and heal injured or fallen teammates.

Night Vision Goggles
The Night Vision Goggles (NVG) are used when there is little light available and will allow you to see 6x better than the naked eye.

The Binoculars are mainly used for accessing distances. You can also be on the lookout for approaching enemies or monitor a base before attacking.

Knife M9 Bayonet
Accuracy: Low
Weapon Class: All
The M9 Baynonet Knife is the classic knife for silent kills up-close and underwater.
In AW2, it has been modified:
- The range has been lowered so you have to get real close to your opponent in order to wound him. No more killing him from 2,5 meters away
- Blood splatter effects added

Colt 1911A1
Accuracy: Medium
Weapon Class: Secondary
The famous Colt 1911A1 semi-automatic pistol continues to provide soldiers with reliability in the worst environments. AW2 features aiming feature and zoom down the barrel

Accuracy: High
Weapon Class: Accessory
The Claymore anti-personnel mines explode violently when someone runs near one.

M24 Sniper Rifle
Accuracy: High
Weapon Class: Primary
The M24 sniper rifle replaced the older M21 in the late 1980's. The United States returned to bolt action sniper rifles with this lightweight weapon. It has an effective range of nearly 1000 meters.

Accuracy: Medium
Weapon Class: Accessory
The AT4 is a portable rocket launcher designed to destroy armored vehicles.

MK23 Pistol
Accuracy: Medium
Weapon Class: Secondary
The MK-23 pistol is a favorite of special forces units and can pack a punch. This makes a good backup weapon.

M18 Smoke Grenade
Accuracy: Low
Weapon Class: Accesory
The M18 Smoke Grenade releases thick smoke and marks a location for others. In AW2 it has been changed from grey smoke to orange smoke which makes it much easier to spot from a distance. The duration has also been increased 2x so it lasts 40 sec instead of 20 sec.

Accuracy: Low
Weapon Class: Accessory
The Flashbang disorients and distracts enemies in a non-lethal manner. It has a delay of 4 seconds after the pin has been pulled.

Thermal Vision Goggles
Accuracy: Very High
Weapon Class: Secondary
The Thermal Vision Goggles (TVG) are very effective when locating your enemies at night. You can detect heat through the grass and foliage, and zoom in and out. It also checks the distance of the location its pointed at.

Weapon Class: Accesory
The Parachute allows soldiers to exit an airborne helicopter and descend safely into battle. While falling, the player can steer the parachute.
In AW2, you have the parachute equipped by default no matter which character you are. Once deployed, the parachute cannot be used again until you get a new one at an armory.

Accuracy: Medium
Weapon Class: Accessory
This shoulder-fired rocket-propelled grenade launcher (RPG) is muzzle-loaded and can be fired at nearly anything. It's the weapon of choice for many rebel movements throughout the world.

Laser Target Designator
Weapon Class: Secondary
The Laser Target Designator can pinpoint a location on the map to be mortored. Other teammates will also be able to see your location.

M224 Mortar
Accuracy: High
Weapon Class: Accessory
A light and portable Mortar allowing engineers to fire a highly explosive round at a target. You can increase the accuracy of the mortar if you have used the target designator to select a target on the map. In AW2, the M224 mortar is more accurate and powerful and can destroy lightarmor vehicles.

Body Armor
Weapon Class:
Body Armor is something the player is always equipped with in AW2. It reduces the damage a player takes when hit in the torso. Therefore a shot that would normally kill may only wound due to the soldier wearing body armor.

L115A Sniper Rifle
Accuracy: High
Weapon Class: Primary
The L115A is a deadly accurate bolt-action sniper rifle.

Masterkey CQB Rifle
Accuracy: High
Weapon Class: Primary
The Masterkey Rifle was initiated during the 1980s to provide assault rifles with a potent built-in door breaching tool. Individual soldiers were often forced to carry a breaching shotgun in addition to their standard issue rifle, but the Masterkey removes this need. The Masterkey is a lightweight version of the M16 and fires the same type of ammunition. It has similar handling and accuracy but does less damage. It comes equipped with a red-dot scope.

FGM-148 Javelin
Accuracy: Very High
Weapon Class: Accessory
The FGM-148 Javelin targeting system operates similarly to a Stinger. Once your soldier has a lock on the target and fires, the missile will track the target all the way to impact. This allows the soldier to fire and then seek cover or get away.
In AW2 we introduce an advanced locking system for the Javelin. The way it works is that once you have a lock on a tank, and you zoom out, a reticule will show you the locked target. This is very useful in case a the tank goes behind cover because the reticule will still show you the location of your target.
If you choose a different weapon during the locking period, you will lose the reticule and will need to lock it again.

FIM-92A Stinger
Accuracy: Very High
Weapon Class: Accessory
The FIM-92A Stinger targeting system is used for flyable vehicles. Once your soldier has a lock on the target and fires, the missile will track the target all the way to impact. This allows the soldier to fire and then seek cover or get away. Only Engineers can use the Stinger.
In AW2 we introduced an advanced locking system for the Stinger. The way it works is that once you have a lock on a helo or a plane, and you zoom out, a reticule will show you the locked target. This is very useful in case the helo ducks behind a mountain or the tank goes behind cover because the reticule will still show you the location of your target.
Be aware that if the helo has fired flares to protect itself from a rocket, the system might show the location of the flare instead. This is because it uses the heat from the object as target designator. If you choose a different weapon during the locking period, you will lose the reticule and will need to lock it again onto your target.

Accuracy: High
Weapon Class: Primary
Firing the same round as a sniper rifle or M60, the G3 has a lot of stopping power. It can be fired single shot or full auto.

Accuracy: Low
Weapon Class: Primary
The Grenade has a delay of 4 seconds after the pin has been pulled, and can cause casualties out to 15 meters.

M82 Barret Sniper Rifle
Accuracy: Very High
Weapon Class: Primary
The M82 Barrett with .50 caliber ammo shot from this semiautomatic rifle can deliver a message from a long-range.

Glock 17 Silenced
Accuracy: Medium
Weapon Class: Secondary
The Glock 17 is much used around the world.
In AW2 the pistol has been modified to use a laserbeam, only visible with nightvision turned on, and it is made into a silenced version.

Accuracy: Medium
Weapon Class: Primary
The fully automatic M240 is one of the most reliable machine guns in the world. Its high rate of fire affects accuracy. For best results the M240 should be fired from a prone position in controlled bursts.

Accuracy: Very High
Weapon Class: Primary
The SVD is a lightweight rifle used for mid-range sharp shooting. It's slightly less accurate than its American counterpart but shoots significantly faster.

M4 / M203
Accuracy: High
Weapon Class: Primary
The M4 / M203 has a 40mm under-barrel grenade launcher mounted on the M4. It fires single shot explosive grenades capable of doing significant damage to both infantry and soft targets. It is not as effective against armored vehicles. The M4 / M203 is a lightweight version of the M16 and fires the same type of ammunition. It has similar handling and accuracy but does less damage. It comes equipped with a red-dot scope.

M16 / M203
Accuracy: High
Weapon Class: Primary
The M16 / M203 has a 40mm under-barrel grenade launcher mounted on the M16. It fires single shot explosive grenades capable of doing significant damage to both infantry and soft targets. It is not as effective against armored vehicles. Thanks to its light weight construction the M203 has a limited impact on the accuracy of the gun to which it is attached.

Accuracy: High
Weapon Class: Primary
The M4 is the carbine version of the M16A2 with a shorter barrel and full auto. The M4 is a lightweight version of the M16 and fires the same type of ammunition. It has similar handling and accuracy but does less damage. It comes equipped with a red-dot scope which all in all makes it an ideal choice for any CQB action. It is also lighter and faster than it's big brother M4 / M203.

Accuracy: High
Weapon Class: Primary
The P90 was developed specifically as a PDW for vehicle crew members such as tank drivers. The P90 has very good power for its size and uses an SS190 round. It features a polymer stock with downward ejection of spent cases.

Accuracy: Medium
Weapon Class: Primary
The RPK is a very efficient squad level light support weapon using small-caliber ammunition. Due to its high rate of fire, the RPK is most accurate when fired from a prone position.

Accuracy: Medium
Weapon Class: Primary
The M60 is one of the most widely used automatic weapon, though it is quite heavy it is able to pack a punch. This heavy gas-powered machine gun fires a dangerous round, but the tripod should be used for accuracy.

MP5 Silenced
Accuracy: Medium
Weapon Class: Secondary
The MP5 with silencer is one of the smallest and lightest machine guns, perfect for those that strike fast and need to retreat quickly. This silenced rifle can be heard only by those near it.

Accuracy: High
Weapon Class: Primary
The M16 is a heavier assault rifle than others, but more accurate. It is also lighter and faster than it's big brother M16/M203.

Accuracy: High
Weapon Class: Primary
The CAR15 is the carbine version of the M16 with a shorter barrel and full auto. The CAR -15 is a shortened version for situations where longer weapons could be unwieldy, such as aboard vehicles or helicopters.

Accuracy: Very High
Weapon Class: Primary
The SR-25 is primarilly used for by the US Special Forces as a sniper rifle. It is essentially an elongated M16-A2 to increase accuracy at a distance and is possibly the most accurate semi-automatic sniper rifle.

Accuracy: Medium
Weapon Class: Secondary
The M9 Beretta is a light weight semiautomatic pistol and is a wellknown sidearm piece capable of doing damage in any situation.

Accuracy: Medium
Weapon Class: Primary
This G36 assault rifle has a greater rate of fire than the M16. It can be fire single shot or full auto.

Accuracy: Medium
Weapon Class: Secondary
The MP5 is one of the smallest and lightest machine guns, perfect for those that strike fast and need to retreat quickly.