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AW2 – TFD Khalid Bin Waleed

Destroy (7) SCUD launchers both in the open and parked inside structures. Clear the facility of Taliban/al-Qaida fighters.
Make your way to exfill / last waypoint and protect the landing zone (the clearing west of compound) until the helo arrives.
Taken from the classic Task Force Dagger Campaign, this is mission #19. Original layout was preserved and the initial concept was improved upon as much as possible.

AW2 – TFD Operation Bear (Updated)

This second concept comes straight from the classic ‘Delta Force Task Force Dagger’ campaign missions. Your mission is to: Destroy 3 SAM Launchers to enable Coalition Forces to advance on Kandahar, and afterwards for team extraction by helicopter
Make your way to exfill / last waypoint and protect the landing zone (the clearing south of compound 1) until the helo arrives.

AW2 – TFD Operation Lion

This concept comes straight from the classic Delta Force Task Force Dagger campaign missions and the original layout was duplicated as best as possible (and then some).
You will find that badguys are way more assertive/agressive than in the TFD game; with patrols, counter-attacks, active armored assets, be prepared for the unknown.

AW2 – Hellgate 4 (Revised Aug 2024)

The goal is simple – Destroy all Crates Marked in RED.
Hints: You have to blow crate and white double-door in first tunnel area to proceed to PSP A.
Slow Blinking “Blue” lights will help guide you to targets.
There are multiple ways to get to some areas. Go Slow. This is NOT a Run-N-Gun map. Take your time.

AW2 – Whistling Whistler Gal

Whistlergal has angered the mapping lords. She has been taken hostage to an undisclosed airstrip to be transferred to mapping prison.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate the airstrip and rescue Whistlergal. While there destroy any weapons crates and armaments (marked in red): Destroy computers in radar tower.
Use all weapons available to you and rely on your medics. Watch for blue lights that help you to find targets and access to areas.

AW2 – Whistler Gal Rescue

Black Hawk down! The crew have been taken hostage and removed to a safe location;

Your tasks are 1. Take out their power and communication systems. 2. Destroy their only means of escape and 3. Fight all their defenses and as a team locate and liberate your captured team.

AW2 – Liberation (The Mist)

Black Hawk down! The crew have been taken hostage and removed to a safe location;

Your tasks are 1. Take out their power and communication systems. 2. Destroy their only means of escape and 3. Fight all their defenses and as a team locate and liberate your captured team.

AW2 – Zeek + Destroy

Rescue the Map Maker ‘Bosaru’ from the underground bunker where he is being held captive.
Follow the on-screen instructions. Targets will be marked on your HUD as red squares. When starting: Select the desired Difficulty

AW2 – Sleepless in Canada

Sleepless is in Canada (not Seattle) on a diplomatic mission, but he’s been taken hostage by terrorists and it has started to blizzard and snow. Due to the cold snap, there is no power and things are getting cold with furnaces not running.
You need to go in and destroy all forms of communication so that you can send a message for extraction once Sleepless has been rescued.

AW2 – Rescue Dr. Jack Ryan

Dr. Jack Ryan is being held hostage in Azkaban.
Eliminate all weapon crates, and radio equipment and rescue Dr. Ryan

AW2 – Firebase

Civilian airport held by the military Commander of Indonesian Army. Your mission take back the airport and stop them from sending a nuke to the near by city. You’ll be blackhawk into the city. The enemy control the air and the main roads in and out of the city. So keep your guard up at all times. You cannot run and gun your way into the airport, it’s heavily fortify. Good luck!

AW2 – Amicabe

This is a search mission. Find and destroy six Freedom Fighters. Some female Civilians can offer clues

AW2 – Mission

You have Alpha, Bravo, Delta, teams to help your side! Your team is Charlie. You have to shut down the communication Dish, so that enemy cannot communication on any part of the island. You have to gain entry into the Chemical Plant building and destroy all Chemical tanks before they can be used on the Civilians. You have …

AW2 – Dune – Part 1

The previous rulers of Arrakis left a wasteland behind due to overproduction of spice. Out of greed for money, they took all the water on the planet to produce spice, the most expensive substance in the universe. Your task is to help the people of Arrakis by releasing the water to revive the planet. Join House Atreides, the new rulers, who have been given responsibility for the future of the sand planet.

AW2 – White World

Inserted directly behind russian enemy lines, you have to fight your way out of there.
Good luck!

AW2 – Wippsteert

The goal is simple. You have to destroy all gasolin tanks marked red on the radar. Good luck!

AW2 – Battle at Shambala Falls

The peaceful town Shambala Falls is infiltrated by enemy troops. Please help the residents achieve peace again.

AW2 – Airport Takedown v3.14

Infiltrate an enemy airport, find and kill the rebel commander. Destroy all targets marked in red on your HUD.
Once all the targets have been destroyed, the commander will try to flee in a tank. You only have a few minutes to find him and kill the commander to stop count down.

AW2 – Lumberyard XMAS

Destroy all crates,tanks, helos, a pc and the front gate radio to take the Lumberyard. Find their underground tunnel system and hack the main pc to get the nuke codes for FROSTY so he can disable and reset the codes so only we can use them…..

AW2 – Zombies Christmas

Find the notebook. Eliminate all weapon crates- Recover the laptop. Destroy communcation towers. Destroy Technicals. Eliminate Commander. Reach final waypoint

AW2 – Metal Christmas

Rescure civilians and eliminate the enemy. Retaking Territory!
Kill 90% of all enemies

AW2 – A Cooties XMAS

Infil at 0500hr. Your mission is to ascertain how close the enemies Nuclear capabilities are to completion. 24 hours ago we aquired some disturbing news and we need confirmation. Break into the facilty and recon the area for a possible threat allocation…  
Be advised that  the area is protected by a large base well to the North, should the shit hit the fan expect the enemy to reinforce quickly…

AW2 – XMAS Package

Insertion is deep behind enemy lines, there will be no option to reinforce. Infiltrate the enemies Rocket Testing Facility and search for their LAUNCH CODES.
Merry Xmas trooper, good Luck and come home safe with a mission success.

AW2 – Psycho

The mission is simple. Follow the goals on the G key.

AW2 – Operation Recovery

United States Special Forces sent in you guys to uncover documents pertaining to the where about American Prisoners location. Your mission will also involve other operations that’s equally vital to this mission success see below:

AW2 – AA – Misison Shutdown

Mission is simple. Follow onscreen instructions.

Evil Bob Mappack 1 (15 maps)

This mappack is by Evil-Bob consisting of 15 maps for AW2.
Thanks a lot to Tof-Oldie for making screenshots and to everyone who has contributed.

AW2 – The Cage map series

This map series expands over 3 maps surrounding the cage theme. Follow the goals on the key G as you go along.

AW2 – Wild Thing

Mission is simple. Follow onscreen instructions but this one is not your usual mission level design. Expand your horizons.

AW2 – Operation Razorblade

Enemy’s Have Been Stock Piling Weapons and Nukes and Are Threating to Launch a Full Scale War Just for the Fun of It. We Need to Stop Them Fast.