September 22, 2017 at 06:32 #2129
Can anyone remember the correct syntax to get enemies to respawn at a truck for eg once they get killed? The code i have worked in IC years ago but doesn’t work in aw2. Can anyone help?
September 28, 2017 at 11:45 #2132
You basically need to teleport them to the vehicle using ssn2ssn with ssnuse inside a loop.
I can find the code on my stationary computer but it wont be up before a 1-2 weeks. Can you wait that long? 🙂
October 6, 2017 at 07:16 #2135
Ok here is the coding i used in IC tried it but it doesn’t work in AW2.
if never() and ssndead(1711) then
endifif never() and ssnalive(1711) and eq(v5,1) then
endifif chain(3) then
January 3, 2018 at 13:59 #2371
It would be very helpful if you could let us know what DOES happen when ssn(1711) dies…
if eq(v5,0) and ssndead(1711) enter
text(“TEST: Kill”)
if eq(v5,1) and ssnalive(1711) and ssnalive(67203) and never then //***CORRECTION!!!!
text(“TEST: Teleport”)
if chain(3) then
text(“TEST: Release”)
***ssnalive(67203) //If you move AI to vehicles that are dead, the bots will decide to commit suicide!! Not cool.
I am not even going to ask why you teleport single AI to a truck(!). Seems like a total waste of limited resources.
January 3, 2018 at 14:26 #2372
I just did a quick test with your code. In your case it is far worse than bots commiting suicide.
Kill the AI you want to teleport (1711)
Destroy the target vehicle (67203) before the AI respawns
Here is how to prevent that:
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