This topic has 7 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Red Dog.
Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
    • Flame Participant
      October 30, 2018 at 02:05 #2591

      Hi everyone, Love playing Advanced Warfare 2 and have met many good players and a few bad ones but you get them in any arena. This is the best WordPress site I have ever seen.

      Nice job.


    • Coopzilla Participant
      November 7, 2018 at 02:03 #2592

      Hello to everyone out there. I’m not used to using forums to speak to people, so I’ll do my best. First off my name is Eric, better known as Coopzilla or Coopzilla61. I’ve been on or with AW2 for a good long time now and I think this is the best game out there, or add on, whatever. LOL. Also, I’m a Disabled Veteran, 100%, so having this game is as important to me as life itself. And if anyone out there is house bound like I am, you know what I mean. I’d like to thank everyone for all their expertise in creating these maps. They are the best, bar none! Although I don’t have a lot of experience playing on-line, so my experience is limited. So I have a few problems with the game for the first time ever, and I wanted to see if someone could give me a hand with it. I’m sure it’s probably an easy fix, but it has eluded me thus far and it sucks. So if anyone can give me some help, maybe The Captain, or whoever, please let me know. It would be greatly appreciated. You can reach me through here of coarse, or my email at The game has run fantastic for years, but when I applied the updates to it, everything changed, including my resolution for some reason. Plus the med-mode isn’t working either. So again, if you can help me, please do so I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Eric  Coopzilla

    • Captain Keymaster
      December 9, 2018 at 18:23 #2606

      Hello to everyone out there. I’m not used to using forums to speak to people, so I’ll do my best. First off my name is Eric, better known as Coopzilla or Coopzilla61. I’ve been on or with AW2 for a good long time now and I think this is the best game out there, or add on, whatever. LOL. Also, I’m a Disabled Veteran, 100%, so having this game is as important to me as life itself. And if anyone out there is house bound like I am, you know what I mean. I’d like to thank everyone for all their expertise in creating these maps. They are the best, bar none! Although I don’t have a lot of experience playing on-line, so my experience is limited. So I have a few problems with the game for the first time ever, and I wanted to see if someone could give me a hand with it. I’m sure it’s probably an easy fix, but it has eluded me thus far and it sucks. So if anyone can give me some help, maybe The Captain, or whoever, please let me know. It would be greatly appreciated. You can reach me through here of coarse, or my email at The game has run fantastic for years, but when I applied the updates to it, everything changed, including my resolution for some reason. Plus the med-mode isn’t working either. So again, if you can help me, please do so I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Eric Coopzilla

      Hi Copzilla

      A big welcome to you. I’d love to help you with your problems for the game so we can fix it.

      About the installation of AW2.

      1. First make sure you have installed Joint Operations Typhoon Rising or Joint Operations Combined Arms.
        (Notice “Combined Arms Gold” does not work with AW2 because its a different installer. )
      2. After that you download and install AW2 4.40 full install found here on the site
      3. Then you download and install the latest update 4.41 in the download section as well
      4. After that, you should be good to go 🙂

      Let me know how it goes and if you encounter any errors. About the resolution of the game, we can look at that afterwards 🙂



    • Red Dog Participant
      February 2, 2019 at 03:12 #2690

      Hello Everyone – Red Dog here, not sure if anyone remembers me. Captain might……

      Anyway not sure if anyone would be interested but I was digging around on an old buffalo drive and found 50 plus AW2 CoOp maps from the years gone by. Most of the maps are from an old buddy of mine Chief-C and we use to make maps for the Thundering 3rd Clan. I also found some other valuable information including the AW2 Loading Screen Template for use with Photo Shop that I was inquiring about in a different post. I am not sure how I could share the maps & tools I have.

      I would like to get back into AW2 and making maps but I am not sure if this game is even still alive. Currently I am playing DFX2 which has many players but AW2 has so much more to offer with map making.

    • Captain Keymaster
      February 2, 2019 at 16:09 #2691

      Hello Everyone – Red Dog here, not sure if anyone remembers me. Captain might…… Anyway not sure if anyone would be interested but I was digging around on an old buffalo drive and found 50 plus AW2 CoOp maps from the years gone by. Most of the maps are from an old buddy of mine Chief-C and we use to make maps for the Thundering 3rd Clan. I also found some other valuable information including the AW2 Loading Screen Template for use with Photo Shop that I was inquiring about in a different post. I am not sure how I could share the maps & tools I have. I would like to get back into AW2 and making maps but I am not sure if this game is even still alive. Currently I am playing DFX2 which has many players but AW2 has so much more to offer with map making.


      Hi Red Dog,

      Yes I remember you, nice to see you here,  welcome to the new site 🙂

      That sounds great about the maps. If you want to submit maps to us, you can find a link in the maps section or go to it directly directly:

      About the AW2 Loading screentemplate if you go to the downloads section, you will see that we already have it there. Thanks anyway 😉

      People still love to get new maps, that is what we can see on the facebook page whenever maps are published. So you are more than welcome to get into AW2 maps again, and as you rightly put it, there are really many cool things to play with when it comes to mapmaking.

      All the best






    • Red Dog Participant
      February 2, 2019 at 20:51 #2692

      Thanks for the warm welcome Captain, site looks great!

      As for the AW2 maps I have from when I ran a AW2 server, It would be way too much work to go through each map and then taking screen shots & writing descriptions, etc….. and submit them 1 at a time. I have over 80 maps from my last count I did. I would be better off just hosting a server with the maps.

      I am hoping to get the game reinstalled this weekend. Is there a particular server that everyone joins?



    • Ennio PG Participant
      February 3, 2019 at 15:56 #2693

      How about Map-Packs instead of “one-at-a-time”? As an example: “Red Dog’s First AW2 Maps”…with your three AW2 Maps (Disarment, Hostage Rescue, Green River). As a fan of your DFX2 & AW2 Maps, it would be great to be able to play new AW2 Maps from you 😉


    • Red Dog Participant
      February 3, 2019 at 20:22 #2694

      Thanks for the compliments Ennio, I truly enjoy making maps more so than actually playing the game and the best reward is hearing gamers complementing and/or complaining about one of my maps.

      As for the AW2 maps I have, 98% of the maps I have were not made by me and I would like to have them available for players to download once again but I simply do not have the time to make them ready to meet the criteria for summiting maps for this site.

      I am going to set up a AW2 server and monitor the traffic to see if it is worth wild to start creating new maps for AW2, which I will summit to this site for downloading.



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