This topic has 14 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 months, 3 weeks ago by Captain.
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)
    • Sleepless Participant
      December 20, 2023 at 12:17 #4395

      This is a curse for every mapper. You change the terrain, the buildings… you try everything possible to solve the problem. Today was another one of those days, but this time I tried something different. I tweaked the in-game graphics settings. Interesting fact: I can adjust what I want – the buildings disappear. No matter how high or low I set the individual settings.

      So I set everything back to the highest level and just lowered the resolution level by level. With the resolution hw3d_res1280x1024 nothing disappears anymore. My graphics card is more than sufficient RTX3060. The Laptop is half a year old. I Must play AW2 on 1.6.x.x. version, because of running server too.

      Now my questions, can any of you confirm this? Is it always the hw3d_res1280x1024 resolution that works and above that the buildings disappear? Any suggestions for a solution?

      Captain our beloved modder god – higher resolutions are added in AW2? could there be a bug?

      I am grateful for any thoughts and suggestions



      You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • Captain Keymaster
      December 21, 2023 at 13:06 #4396

      Is it always the hw3d_res1280x1024 resolution that works and above that the buildings disappear? Any suggestions for a solution? Captain our beloved modder god – higher resolutions are added in AW2? could there be a bug? I am grateful for any thoughts and suggestions greets, Sleepless

      Hi Sleepless,

      That sounds weird. Could maybe be a graphics driver issue. I’ve never experienced that problem before and I run higher resolutions than the game can even manually selected in the ingame resolutions dropdowm menu.
      I run more than 1920×1080 so the way I set the game to run my native windows resolution of 2560 is to open the game.cfg and edit it to my resolution where it says “resolution”.

      Can you attach your game.cfg to this post so I can have a look at your settings?
      (You may need to zip it before attaching it to the post)

    • Sleepless Participant
      December 21, 2023 at 20:05 #4397

      I dont think it’s a driver issue, because I have this problem since I create maps. Means: 4 different systems, graphic cards, hardware (but I’m a totally noob in this xD ).

      I have 6 unfinished maps because of this problem (dont want to release them with this issue). and in all maps the disappearing thing is gone if I do like I wrote.

      I have reduced the config to a minimum, so its no problem


    • Sleepless Participant
      December 21, 2023 at 20:06 #4398


      You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • Captain Keymaster
      December 22, 2023 at 12:42 #4400

      Hi Sleepless,

      Thanks for the attachment.

      I opened it, but there is a lot of stuff missing in your game.cfg

      It only contains this:

      // game.cfg
      // GENERAL
      version = 26
      // DISPLAY
      windowed = 0
      hw3d_deviceno = 0
      hw3d_name = “NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop “
      hw3d_guid = “D7B71E3E-6660-11CF-CB653B330EC2D235”
      hw3d_res640x480 = 1
      hw3d_res800x600 = 1
      hw3d_res1024x768 = 1
      hw3d_res1280x720 = 1
      hw3d_res1280x768 = 1
      hw3d_res1280x960 = 1
      hw3d_res1280x1024 = 1
      hw3d_res1600x1200 = 1
      hw3d_res1920x1080 = 1
      hw3d_res1920x1440 = 0
      hw3d_res2048x1536 = 0
      game_res = 9
      gamma = 1.0
      terrain_polydetail = 3
      terrain_texdetail = 3
      object_polydetail = 3
      object_texdetail = 3
      display_16x9 = 0
      water_quality = 3
      shadow_quality = 3
      particle_density = 2
      antialias_mode = 2
      texfilter_level = 3
      fbeffects_level = 3
      shader_usage_level = 2
      texcompression_level = 0
      lock_framerate = 0
      force_vsync = 0
      reduce_mouselag = 1
      enable_keyboardtips = 0
      enable_gameplaytips = 0

      Whereas mine is this:

      // game.cfg
      //// GENERAL
      version = 29// DISPLAY
      windowed = 0
      hw3d_deviceno = 0
      hw3d_name = “Parallels Display Adapter (WDDM”
      hw3d_guid = “D2F742A2-4340-11CF-79B67627BDC2D935”
      video_res = 2560×1440
      gamma = 1.0
      terrain_polydetail = 3
      terrain_texdetail = 3
      object_polydetail = 3
      object_texdetail = 3
      display_16x9 = 0
      water_quality = 3
      shadow_quality = 3
      particle_density = 2
      antialias_mode = 2
      texfilter_level = 3
      fbeffects_level = 3
      shader_usage_level = 2
      texcompression_level = 2
      lock_framerate = 0
      force_vsync = 0
      reduce_mouselag = 1
      enable_keyboardtips = 0
      enable_gameplaytips = 0// AUDIO
      windows_volume = 255
      music_volume = 192
      SFXLevel = 192
      DialogueLevel = 192
      rotor_volume = 192
      audio_channels = 2
      audio_rate = 44100
      NoBlood = 0
      NoCasings = 0
      NoSmoke = 0// CONTROLS
      crosshairs = 1
      crosshairs_color = 2
      hitfeedback = 1
      showgun = 3
      hud_color_index = 2
      hud_detail = 0// MULTIPLAYER
      mpipaddressstring = “”
      mpgateserverlocalportmin = “49152”
      mpgateserverlocalportmax = “65536”
      mpgateserverlocalportdelta = “1”
      mpgateserverlocalportrandom = “0”
      mpnovaworldportmin = “32768”
      mpnovaworldportmax = “65535”
      mpnovaworldportdelta = “1”
      mpnovaworldportrandom = “0”
      mpnovaworldlanenumsessionportmin = “32768”
      mpnovaworldlanenumsessionportmax = “65535”
      mpnovaworldlanenumsessionportdelta = “1”
      mplanserverportmin = “32768”
      mplanserverportmax = “32787”
      mplanserverportdelta = “1”
      mplanclientportmin = “32768”
      mplanclientportmax = “65535”
      mplanclientportdelta = “1”
      mplanclientportrandom = “0”
      mplanservertojoinportmin = “32768”
      mplanservertojoinportmax = “32787”
      mplanservertojoinportdelta = “1”
      mpmaxplayers = “64”
      mpuselineupqueue = “1”
      mplineupqueuesize = “100”
      mphostgamepassword = “”
      mphostsidepassworda = “”
      mphostsidepasswordb = “”
      mpnumspectatorsmax = “-1”
      mphostspectatorpassword = “”
      mpaccesscodelist = “”
      mphostpuntplayerswithsamepcids = “1”
      mptodcontinuity = “0”
      mpmaxpacketsize = “1300”
      mpextractextendedmetricinformation = “1”
      mpnovaworldhostlanonly = “0”
      mpreset = “0”
      mp_eula_accepted = -1
      mpattrib = 14850
      join_password = “”
      side_password = “”
      game_name = “My awesome game name”
      internet_address = “”
      networkconnecttype = 2
      mp_difficulty = 0
      mp_gametype = 0
      dedicated = 0
      max_team_lives = 100
      max_kills = 50
      max_score = 5
      side_req = -1
      startdelay = 0
      destroybuild = 0
      autobalanceonmissionrecycleenabled = 0
      autobalanceonmissionrecyclenumplayerdiffmin = 1
      autobalanceonmissionrecyclenumplayerdiffmax = 1
      oneshotonekill = 0
      fatbullets = 0
      nwisptype = 5
      lanmode = 1
      allowcustomskins = 0
      servermsg = “Have fun”
      minping = 0
      dominpingcheck = 0
      maxping = 1500
      domaxpingcheck = 0
      dirtyupstream = 1
      dirtyupstreampost = 1
      deathmes = 1
      numallowablefriendlykills = 3
      replay = 1
      time_limit = 30
      koth_limit = 10
      koth_delta = 5
      timeout = 5
      mp_numteams = 2
      contest = 0
      flagreturntime = 210
      ping = 1
      sendplayerlist = 1
      rememberlogin = 1
      teamchange_time = 15
      mp_lfp_takeoverspeed = 1
      spawnregulator_psp = 0
      spawnregulator_lfp = 10
      unlimited_vehicles = 1
      choosespawnonbegin = 0
      nodefaultspawnpoints = 0
      mp_allowsniperscopezoom = 0
      mp_permanent_death = 0
      mp_3rdperson_driver = 1
      mpvoting = 0
      mpvoting_min_players = 6
      mpvoting_percent = 0.660000
      mpvoting_period = 180
      mpchangeteam = 0
      mpchangeteam_interval = 300
      mpchangeteam_penalty = 60
      mp_verbose = 1
      mp_NoCharAbilities = 0
      mp_NoCrossHairSpread = 0
      mp_NoScopeDrift = 0
      mp_NoWeaponRecoil = 0
      mp_gpsicons = 0
      mp_wind = 0
      mp_DroppedWeaponDisappear = 0
      mp_NoDropWeapons = 0
      mp_NoRespawnWithPrimary = 0
      enable_ai = 1
      remote_admin_port = 0
      cl_punkbuster = 0
      sv_punkbuster = 0
      xhair_appearance = 0
      xhair_color = 16777215
      xhair_spread = 1
      balance_join = 1
      balance_join_percent = 0.500000
      armory_reuse_time = 30
      avail_class_rifleman = 1
      avail_class_sniper = 1
      avail_class_medic = 1
      avail_class_gunner = 1
      avail_wpn_colt45 = 3
      avail_wpn_M9Beretta = 3
      avail_wpn_RemmingtonSG = 3
      avail_wpn_MK23 = 3
      avail_wpn_GLOCK17 = 3
      avail_wpn_M4AUTO = 3
      avail_wpn_M4M203AUTO = 3
      avail_wpn_M16BURST = 3
      avail_wpn_M16M203BURST = 3
      avail_wpn_G3AUTO = 3
      avail_wpn_G36AUTO = 3
      avail_wpn_RPK = 3
      avail_wpn_M249SAW = 3
      avail_wpn_M60 = 3
      avail_wpn_MAG58 = 3
      avail_wpn_MP5 = 3
      avail_wpn_MP5SD = 3
      avail_wpn_P90AUTO = 3
      avail_wpn_DRAGUNOV = 3
      avail_wpn_L115A = 3
      avail_wpn_SR25 = 3
      avail_wpn_M21 = 3
      avail_wpn_M24 = 3
      avail_wpn_Barret = 3
      avail_wpn_GRENADEFB = 3
      avail_wpn_GRENADEHE = 3
      avail_wpn_GRENADESM = 3
      avail_wpn_SATCHEL_CHARGE = 3
      avail_wpn_AT4 = 3
      avail_wpn_MORTAR = 3
      avail_wpn_STINGER = 3
      avail_wpn_CLAYMORE = 3
      avail_wpn_DESIGNATOR = 3
      avail_wpn_RPG = 3
      avail_wpn_JAVELIN = 3
      avail_wpn_BODYARMOR = 3
      avail_wpn_PARACHUTE = 3
      avail_wpn_L1A1AUTO = 3
      avail_wpn_WA2000 = 3
      avail_wpn_MOLOTOV = 3
      avail_wpn_PSG1 = 3
      avail_wpn_CAR15AUTO = 3
      avail_wpn_CR15M203 = 3
      avail_wpn_TVG = 3
      avail_wpn_FLGUN = 3
      avail_wpn_Flamer = 3// MAP
      map_infrared = 1
      map_iff = 1
      map_AWAC = 1// SYSTEM
      player_index = 0
      preempt_pff = 0
      country = “”
      msg = “”
      play_exit_credits = -1
      no_anim = 0
      AltLock = 1
      AltLockType = 1 

    • Sleepless Participant
      December 23, 2023 at 13:26 #4401

      ah just a little missunderstand on my side. thought because off zipping info that it should be small. so I only sended the graphic part

      // game.cfg
      //// GENERAL
      version           = 26// DISPLAY
      windowed             = 0
      hw3d_deviceno        = 0
      hw3d_name            = “NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop ”
      hw3d_guid            = “D7B71E3E-6660-11CF-CB653B330EC2D235”
      hw3d_res640x480      = 1
      hw3d_res800x600      = 1
      hw3d_res1024x768     = 1
      hw3d_res1280x720     = 1
      hw3d_res1280x768     = 1
      hw3d_res1280x960     = 1
      hw3d_res1280x1024    = 1
      hw3d_res1600x1200    = 1
      hw3d_res1920x1080    = 1
      hw3d_res1920x1440    = 1
      hw3d_res2048x1536    = 1
      game_res             = 9
      gamma                = 1.0
      terrain_polydetail   = 3
      terrain_texdetail    = 3
      object_polydetail    = 3
      object_texdetail     = 3
      display_16x9         = 0
      water_quality        = 3
      shadow_quality       = 3
      particle_density     = 2
      antialias_mode       = 3
      texfilter_level      = 3
      fbeffects_level      = 3
      shader_usage_level   = 2
      texcompression_level = 0
      lock_framerate       = 0
      force_vsync          = 0
      reduce_mouselag      = 1
      enable_keyboardtips  = 0
      enable_gameplaytips  = 0// AUDIO
      windows_volume       = 255
      music_volume         = 255
      SFXLevel             = 166
      DialogueLevel        = 112
      rotor_volume         = 138
      audio_channels       = 2
      audio_rate           = 44100
      NoBlood              = 0
      NoCasings            = 0
      NoSmoke              = 0// CONTROLS
      crosshairs           = 1
      crosshairs_color     = 2
      hitfeedback          = 1
      showgun              = 3
      hud_color_index      = 2
      hud_detail           = 0// MULTIPLAYER
      mpipaddressstring = “”
      mpgateserverlocalportmin = “49152”
      mpgateserverlocalportmax = “65536”
      mpgateserverlocalportdelta = “1”
      mpgateserverlocalportrandom = “0”
      mpnovaworldportmin = “32768”
      mpnovaworldportmax = “65535”
      mpnovaworldportdelta = “1”
      mpnovaworldportrandom = “0”
      mpnovaworldlanenumsessionportmin = “32768”
      mpnovaworldlanenumsessionportmax = “65535”
      mpnovaworldlanenumsessionportdelta = “1”
      mplanserverportmin = “32768”
      mplanserverportmax = “32787”
      mplanserverportdelta = “1”
      mplanclientportmin = “32768”
      mplanclientportmax = “65535”
      mplanclientportdelta = “1”
      mplanclientportrandom = “0”
      mplanservertojoinportmin = “32768”
      mplanservertojoinportmax = “32787”
      mplanservertojoinportdelta = “1”
      mpmaxplayers = “1”
      mpuselineupqueue = “1”
      mplineupqueuesize = “100”
      mphostgamepassword = “”
      mphostsidepassworda = “”
      mphostsidepasswordb = “”
      mpnumspectatorsmax = “0”
      mphostspectatorpassword = “”
      mpaccesscodelist = “”
      mphostpuntplayerswithsamepcids = “1”
      mptodcontinuity = “0”
      mpmaxpacketsize = “1300”
      mpextractextendedmetricinformation = “1”
      mpnovaworldhostlanonly = “0”
      mpreset = “0”
      mp_eula_accepted        = -1
      mpattrib                = 516
      join_password           = “”
      side_password           = “”
      game_name               = “Sleepless new maps”
      internet_address        = “”
      networkconnecttype      = 1
      mp_difficulty           = 0
      mp_gametype             = 0
      dedicated               = 0
      max_team_lives          = 100
      max_kills               = 50
      max_score               = 5
      side_req                = -1
      startdelay              = 0
      destroybuild            = 0
      autobalanceonmissionrecycleenabled = 0
      autobalanceonmissionrecyclenumplayerdiffmin = 1
      autobalanceonmissionrecyclenumplayerdiffmax = 1
      oneshotonekill          = 0
      fatbullets              = 0
      nwisptype               = 18
      lanmode                 = 1
      allowcustomskins        = 0
      servermsg               = “Please be kind to all player”
      minping                 = 0
      dominpingcheck          = 0
      maxping                 = 1500
      domaxpingcheck          = 0
      dirtyupstream           = 1
      dirtyupstreampost       = 1
      deathmes                = 1
      numallowablefriendlykills = 3
      replay                  = 1
      time_limit              = 30
      koth_limit              = 10
      koth_delta              = 5
      timeout                 = 0
      mp_numteams             = 2
      contest                 = 0
      flagreturntime          = 210
      ping                    = 1
      sendplayerlist          = 1
      rememberlogin           = 1
      teamchange_time         = 0
      mp_lfp_takeoverspeed    = 0
      spawnregulator_psp      = 0
      spawnregulator_lfp      = 10
      unlimited_vehicles      = 1
      choosespawnonbegin      = 0
      nodefaultspawnpoints    = 0
      mp_allowsniperscopezoom = 1
      mp_permanent_death      = 0
      mp_3rdperson_driver     = 1
      mpvoting                = 0
      mpvoting_min_players    = 6
      mpvoting_percent        = 0.660000
      mpvoting_period         = 180
      mpchangeteam            = 0
      mpchangeteam_interval   = 300
      mpchangeteam_penalty    = 60
      mp_verbose              = 1
      mp_NoCharAbilities      = 0
      mp_NoCrossHairSpread    = 0
      mp_NoScopeDrift         = 1
      mp_NoWeaponRecoil       = 0
      mp_gpsicons             = 0
      mp_wind                 = 0
      mp_DroppedWeaponDisappear = 0
      mp_NoDropWeapons        = 0
      mp_NoRespawnWithPrimary = 0
      enable_ai               = 1
      remote_admin_port       = 40000
      cl_punkbuster           = 0
      sv_punkbuster           = 0
      xhair_appearance        = 6
      xhair_color             = 16711935
      xhair_spread            = 1
      balance_join            = 1
      balance_join_percent    = 0.500000
      armory_reuse_time       = 0
      avail_class_rifleman    = 1
      avail_class_sniper      = 1
      avail_class_medic       = 1
      avail_class_gunner      = 1
      avail_wpn_colt45           = 3
      avail_wpn_M9Beretta        = 3
      avail_wpn_RemmingtonSG     = 3
      avail_wpn_MK23             = 3
      avail_wpn_GLOCK17          = 3
      avail_wpn_M4AUTO           = 3
      avail_wpn_M4M203AUTO       = 3
      avail_wpn_M16BURST         = 3
      avail_wpn_M16M203BURST     = 3
      avail_wpn_G3AUTO           = 3
      avail_wpn_G36AUTO          = 3
      avail_wpn_RPK              = 3
      avail_wpn_M249SAW          = 3
      avail_wpn_M60              = 3
      avail_wpn_MAG58            = 3
      avail_wpn_MP5              = 3
      avail_wpn_MP5SD            = 3
      avail_wpn_P90AUTO          = 3
      avail_wpn_DRAGUNOV         = 3
      avail_wpn_L115A            = 3
      avail_wpn_SR25             = 3
      avail_wpn_M21              = 3
      avail_wpn_M24              = 3
      avail_wpn_Barret           = 3
      avail_wpn_GRENADEFB        = 3
      avail_wpn_GRENADEHE        = 3
      avail_wpn_GRENADESM        = 3
      avail_wpn_SATCHEL_CHARGE   = 3
      avail_wpn_AT4              = 3
      avail_wpn_MORTAR           = 0
      avail_wpn_STINGER          = 3
      avail_wpn_CLAYMORE         = 3
      avail_wpn_DESIGNATOR       = 3
      avail_wpn_RPG              = 3
      avail_wpn_JAVELIN          = 3
      avail_wpn_BODYARMOR        = 3
      avail_wpn_PARACHUTE        = 3
      avail_wpn_L1A1AUTO         = 3
      avail_wpn_WA2000           = 3
      avail_wpn_MOLOTOV          = 3
      avail_wpn_PSG1             = 3
      avail_wpn_CAR15AUTO        = 3
      avail_wpn_CR15M203         = 3
      avail_wpn_TVG              = 3
      avail_wpn_FLGUN            = 3
      avail_wpn_Flamer           = 3// MAP
      map_infrared            = 1
      map_iff                 = 1
      map_AWAC                = 1// SYSTEM
      player_index            = 0
      preempt_pff             = 0
      country                 = “DE”
      msg                     = “”
      play_exit_credits       = -1
      no_anim                 = 0
      AltLock                 = 1
      AltLockType             = 1


    • Captain Keymaster
      December 26, 2023 at 17:25 #4403

      Hi Sleepless,

      I found one thing in your video settings (game.cfg) that might be the reason. You have set the texture compression to maximum instead of minimum.

      Here is how your settings should look like to the best graphics and minimum compression. Basically you don’t want any compression of textures so it needs to be set to “minimal” for the best result.
      In the old days 2003, when the graphics cards could not handle it, that setting was relevant but now it is not. So we want the engine to always render everything uncompressed.

      So here is a screenshot of my video settings, see attached file.
      Ignore the resolution of “800 x 600” that you can see on the screenshot. It’s cause I have set it to 2560 x 1440 manually in the game.cfg to support my screen and the in-game dropdownlist does not have that as an option, so therefore it defaults back to 800×600. It does not mean anything as long as you don’t touch it. The game will still run as 2560 x 1440.


      Lastly, please check out this video that I made: How to play 4K and maximum gfx in AW2
      You may find the answer in there too.


      You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • Sleepless Participant
      December 28, 2023 at 16:30 #4405

      Thanks, I will try it. 🙂

    • Sleepless Participant
      December 28, 2023 at 22:52 #4406

      Hello Captain,

      same. Buildings disappear in high resolution and after lower it to 1280×1024, all buildings stay visible. A friend of mine tried it out on his RTX 4070 – same problem, same solution (1280×1024).

      maybe I delete these maps and go on..

      thx and a good start into the new year

    • Sleepless Participant
      December 28, 2023 at 23:00 #4407

      Ok, 1 thing I see in your .cfg is

      //// GENERAL
      version = 29

      mine is 26. could this a problem and how can I solve this?

    • Captain Keymaster
      December 29, 2023 at 13:49 #4408

      Ok, 1 thing I see in your .cfg is //// GENERAL version = 29 mine is 26. could this a problem and how can I solve this?

      Hi Sleepless,

      The version number shouldn’t be a problem. It’s normally autogenerated.

      Maybe it’s a graphics driver issue. You can try to uninstall your current gfx driver version and download an older version just to test out if it helps on the problem.

    • Sleepless Participant
      December 29, 2023 at 15:31 #4409

      Hi Sleepless, The version number shouldn’t be a problem. It’s normally autogenerated. Maybe it’s a graphics driver issue. You can try to uninstall your current gfx driver version and download an older version just to test out if it helps on the problem.

      Done – same effect. Interesting new Info:

      I can set resolution higher (f.e. 1920×1080) and buildings dont disappear, if I set widescreen on “YES” at the same time. Setting it on “NO” the buildings disappear again. widescreen on all is good. tried it on all resolutions – works for me. crazy world…

    • Captain Keymaster
      January 1, 2024 at 17:27 #4410

      Ok thats interesting.

      Which exe version are you using – or

    • Sleepless Participant
      February 23, 2024 at 19:50 #4460

      Because I also host a server, I use

    • Captain Keymaster
      February 26, 2024 at 16:29 #4461

      Because I also host a server, I use

      Ok I see. If you host with, does it make any difference to the buildings and resolution?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)
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