January 14, 2023 at 00:53 #4183
Hello Map Makers!
The tool NLH Niles Little Helper (the free version) has been added to our downloads section.
This helps map makers to enchance their maps, one particular feature is that you can create brifing files (.bin files) where you can put in your own text into it and have it visible in maps by pressing the “i” key.
This has been a request from quite a lot of people who want to know how to make the briefing.
Besides that, NLH features a bunch of things to enchance on features that NILE can not do.We also added the tool “Brad G’s JO Utility” which can help you to generate wac script for weather like setting snow, rain, lightning, thunder and gusty wind. It can help setting breathe time under water and can add sound fx scripts to be looped.
You can find it here:
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