November 20, 2021 at 04:27 #3607
The card data is lost. I will be very grateful if they are found.
Joint Operations Escalation / International Conflict
HmS Platform Alpha IC
HmS I Robot IC
HMS_Lost_Documents_Esc vEscalationJoint Operations Typhoon Rising
HmS Supply Run TR
HmS Rebels Retreat TR
HmS Fire Fight TR
HmS Island Patrol TR
HmS Rebels Bay TRLand Warrior
HmS Thin Line
Task Force Dagger
HmS Coop v4
HmS A Walk In The Park
HmS Airport tfd
November 22, 2021 at 00:00 #3610
So I can’t find these maps myself yet. Others have already been found.
Joint Operations Typhoon Rising
HmS Supply Run TR
HmS Rebels Retreat TR
HmS Fire Fight TR
HmS Island Patrol TR
HmS Rebels Bay TRThe cards were here:
December 21, 2021 at 20:46 #3702
The search for these maps continues. Judging by the number of downloads, someone must have them.
HmS Supply Run TR
HmS Rebels Retreat TR
HmS Final Waypoint TR
HmS Fire Fight TR
HmS Island Patrol TR
HmS Rebels Bay TR
December 25, 2021 at 14:40 #3708
Be sure to fill in these maps! In fact, it’s advisable to collect everything he has.
Also found that on these maps do not work team points.
At the same time they are in the version under TR, where everything works.
They also need to get them from Shadowman.HmS CQB TR
HmS Hit Squad TR
HmS Temple of Fire TR
December 27, 2021 at 17:19 #3710
Please, if you can, track down these maps.
I need them badly!HMS Above and Beyond TR
HMS Air Attack TR
HMS Area Secure TR
HMS Arms Cache TR
HMS Arms Deal v2 TR
HMS Arms Deal v3 TR
HMS Atoll Fortress TR
HMS Base Assault TR
HMS Base Camp TR
HMS Battleground
HMS Blast Zone TR
HMS Blizzard TR
HMS Blue Tag TR
HMS Check Point TR
HMS City Life TR
HMS Coast Patrol TR
HMS Command Center TR
HMS Crew Down TR
HMS Cross Roads TR
HMS Dark Secrets TR
HMS Dark Water TR
HMS Dawn Evasion TR
HMS Death Creek TR
HMS Deck Hands TR
HMS Desert Arms TR
HMS Devils Canyon TR
HMS Double Take TR
HMS Drift Wood TR
HMS Eagle Down TR
HMS Enemy Guns TR
HMS Enemy Marshes TR
HMS Flood Plains TR
HMS Forced Landing TR
HMS Gold Digger TR
HMS Hall Of Lights TR
HMS Heavy Goods TR
HMS Hill 420 TR
HMS Hill Bases TR
HMS Hit Squad TR
HMS Home Port TR
HMS Island Combat TR
HMS Island Tour TR
HMS Islands TR
HMS Kutu Airbase TR
HMS Lost City TR
HMS Marshlands TR
HMS Monsoon Mayhem TR
HMS Mr Rebel to You TR
HMS Night Owls TR
HMS Night Shadows TR
HMS Night Shadows Two TR
HMS Oasis TR
HMS Ocean Lab TR
HMS Open Waters TR
HMS Operation Jade TR
HMS Operation Room Service TR
HMS Operation Sea Spray TR
HMS Operation Tango Hideout TR
HMS Radio Active TR
HMS Rebel Caches TR
HMS Rebel City TR
HMS Rebel Compaund TR
HMS Rebel Evasion TR
HMS Rebel Guns TR
HMS Rebel Hills TR
HMS Rebel Market Forces TR
HMS Rebel Plains TR
HMS Rebel Rivers TR
HMS Rebel Trouble TR
HMS Rebel Waters TR
HMS Rebels Home Land TR
HMS Red Caps TR
HMS Relics of the Past TR
HMS Rice and Rebels TR
HMS River Arms TR
HMS River Bed TR
HMS River Raid TR
HMS River Route TR
HMS River Side TR
HMS River Side TR
HMS Road Patrol TR
HMS Room Service TR
HMS Sands Of Time TR
HMS Sea Fortress TR
HMS Search and Destroy TR
HMS Self Defence v3 TR
HMS Shipping Lanes TR
HMS Silent Incursion TR
HMS Smugglers Cove TR
HMS Smugglers Trail TR
HMS Special Forces TR
HMS Stock Control TR
HMS Swamp Patrol TR
HMS Swamp Patrol TR
HMS Tango In The Night TR
HMS Temple of Fire TR
HMS Tree Tops TR
HMS Truck Patrol TR
HMS Under World TR
HMS Urban Patrol TR
HMS Water Fortress TR
HMS Weapons Free TR
HMS Wild Waters TR
If possible, these cards are also required.
Especially this one: Im not done TRCode: Arctic Firestorm
Im not done TR
Kutu arms market coop TR
Operation Break water TR
Operation: Just SAY NO
p1gs pendimonium
Payback (Harder version)
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
sewers m1
sewers m2
sewers m3
Snake River Ruins coop TR
SWC Treehouse by AMP
Turkey’s River run
Turkey’s River run-2
December 29, 2021 at 23:27 #3711
By the way, all these maps run perfectly under AW2 so they must be found at all costs.
January 23, 2022 at 22:14 #3764
I have some of those names but with a AW2 name and I’m running AW2 so I have no idea if they are TR as listed.
I’ve been playing this for years and I’m not sure where I got some of the maps from.
Just a quick look and I have ……..
January 25, 2022 at 21:01 #3766
Yes for AW2 these maps are already available. They are sometimes completely different from TR maps even with the same name.
By the way, all TR maps from HMS are great for AW2 and IC4. I’m sure Shadowman still has them.
We have to somehow get in touch with him. On the site Hardmaps useless to write, and he does not go there.
All these maps can be said to be a cult. Although difficult, but they can be passed alone.
And by the way the server Hardmaps still working on these maps.
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