February 28, 2019 at 10:13 #2695
Presumably this means “Chained to a nuke”.
We have noted many spelling mistakes and incoherent mission descriptions in Joint Ops maps from all sources, and wonder how anyone who makes these mistakes can write a mission map, when accurate syntax is everything. I realise that for many map-makers, English may not be their first language, so I am not here to carp, or have a laugh at their expense.
I have a reasonable understanding of English grammar, easily recognise the difference between their, there and they’re, and would be willing to cast an eye over any new mission descriptions with the intention of re-writing them in good, coherent, literate English.
If anyone wants to take me up on this, please contact me. Or if you think I’m an arrogant bastard, then don’t bother, because I know I’m an arrogant bastard, and don’t need a reminder.
April 8, 2019 at 06:49 #2706
1) Using pluralis maiestatis really proofs you are an arrogant prat.
2) You should stick to spelling checking because your maps look pretty retarded.
January 1, 2020 at 18:17 #2758
- In your sentence, it should be “proves”, not “proofs”. That’s probably the sort of mistake you make in your map descriptions. I was not using “pluralis majestatis”, (note the spelling). When I said “We”, I meant myself and my three team-mates who play Joint Ops on LAN almost every Wednesday of the year, and alternate between laughter and despair at the incoherent, illiterate and misspelled map descriptions that we see. I then transferred to first person singular in order to give a personal opinion and a personal solution.
- Yes I am offering to spell check. Did you fail to understand that?
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