• Just George Participant
    September 13, 2024 at 03:03 #4821

    Thank you,sir. It’s been a while since I came across a place to hang out I could call ‘home’.

    Insomnia is a funny thing, but then again: so is inspiration. For example: right now I can’t sleep, but as I’m awake I think of new ideas for my video which is slowly taking shape, so I guess even when you lose, you win…I can always hit the sack again when I start to nod off.

    Creativity in whatever form has always been a great help to me in every stage of my life. Mapmaking is just one form, but the one I enjoy the most at the moment. Without wanting to get all serious (which is not what AW2 is about – I know…), I predominantly like the covert/stealth/black op stuff, but I also remember a time when I played the snot out of Command&Conquer:Red Alert which involved all branches of the military and often was pretty straight forward warfare, so that’s good mapmaking material as well.

    I can’t think of any game thusfar that has a map editor and so many possibilities like JO has had, eventhough some would call the graphics dated compared to Medal of Honor for example, the game is nevertheless still played 20 years later and I prefer it over anything else.

    Thanks again for your help and a chat, Captain.

Latest 10 Maps

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AW2 – Whistler Gal Rescue

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AW2 – Rescue Dr. Jack Ryan

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