December 22, 2021 at 22:55 #3704
Sorry Cap just now responding to this my bad. But I understand setting servers so you can change what you can have on that map or in that server its not like that. I will be 30 mins or even longer in the map and all of a sudden I am running with a G3 set on full auto and then I change weapon to the next in line. I thought maybe I had hit the roll button on the mouse or an extra side button on the mouse but no I put a basic mouse on and it still did it just as much as with the other’s.
So I guessing it might be something in the code that might be wrong with my game so I’m stumped. It only happen’s every now and then during a game and not all maps so not sure. But no big deal I thought if there was a easy fix I would love to try. Seems every time it happens it’s cridical and results are the same every time I DIE lol but hey the nature of War. If you can think of what it might be let me know. Again sorry for the late answer.
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