August 9, 2017 at 22:03 #1806
Hi Captain and all, Congratulations with this shiny new nicely looking home of AW2. It’s very cool to see there is still a community around Joint Operations. After all it’s a 13 year old game, and (fair to say?) abandoned from Novalogic a long time ago, later sold to THQ Nordic. Today JO shows signs of wear but still holding up. I feel very nostalgic looking at Kutu Arms Market and Surga Mtn. Overwatch. What made the game so great was all the nice people in the community. We had loads of fun scrims with clans all over Europe. At the time even Novalogic was responding. I remember emailing directly with president Lee Milligan and they were very supportive and appreciating the feedback. Captain and team have put enormous amount of time and energy into this mod and launching this nicely looking site in 2017 only show his dedication and continuous support. Truly amazing! Keep up the good work, and to end with a quote from Mr. Milligan, “May all your wars be virtual”
Greetings Janni
Thank you for the kind words and welcome to the new site! I’m glad you like it.
Im happy you’re here and hope to see you a lot 🙂
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