Destroy (7) SCUD launchers both in the open and parked inside structures. Clear the facility of Taliban/al-Qaida fighters.
Make your way to exfill / last waypoint and protect the landing zone (the clearing west of compound) until the helo arrives.
Taken from the classic Task Force Dagger Campaign, this is mission #19. Original layout was preserved and the initial concept was improved upon as much as possible.
This second concept comes straight from the classic ‘Delta Force Task Force Dagger’ campaign missions. Your mission is to: Destroy 3 SAM Launchers to enable Coalition Forces to advance on Kandahar, and afterwards for team extraction by helicopter
Make your way to exfill / last waypoint and protect the landing zone (the clearing south of compound 1) until the helo arrives.
This concept comes straight from the classic Delta Force Task Force Dagger campaign missions and the original layout was duplicated as best as possible (and then some).
You will find that badguys are way more assertive/agressive than in the TFD game; with patrols, counter-attacks, active armored assets, be prepared for the unknown.