TheWad started the topic Turn off Switch on TDM DM etc maps in the forum TALK ABOUT ANYTHING 5 months, 2 weeks ago
I want to find a way to turn off the option of “switch” on the above mentioned maps. I have to take the check mark off each map I host. I know there are third party software that will do this but there must be a way in the game files as well
TheWad replied to the topic ARE NOVA SERVERS DOWN ? shared INFO / NOTICES / STATUS in the forum TALK ABOUT ANYTHING 2 years, 7 months ago
Been down for days. I don’t know how long it has been down but last time it was nine days. Here is an email address to be shared to all… thor@novaworld.cc I have emailed this address and did NOT get an undeliverable or no email exists. Someone is getting this email but I get no response.
TheWad replied to the topic Server Commands in the forum GENERAL AW2 DISCUSSION 2 years, 7 months ago
TheWad replied to the topic Novaworld problem in the forum TALK ABOUT ANYTHING 3 years, 1 month ago
Novaworld is down again. I am sick of this I sent an email for US to purchase the server, but I think I sent it to the wrong email. I do not have a response, or they don’t want to respond .
TheWad replied to the topic Novaworld problem in the forum TALK ABOUT ANYTHING 3 years, 1 month ago
Will you put a download site for BattleLan so we know we are getting the correct one?
TheWad replied to the topic Novaworld problem in the forum TALK ABOUT ANYTHING 3 years, 1 month ago
Will you put a download site for BattleLan so we know we are getting the correct one?
TheWad replied to the topic Novaworld problem in the forum TALK ABOUT ANYTHING 3 years, 1 month ago
Nine Days is ridiculous . I am an IT and can reimage a server in about 2 days or a little more
TheWad replied to the topic Novaworld problem in the forum TALK ABOUT ANYTHING 3 years, 1 month ago
I am not going to give up
TheWad replied to the topic Novaworld problem in the forum TALK ABOUT ANYTHING 3 years, 1 month ago
Well if any of us knew the IP of NW ,we could guess the password and restart the servers our selves. I have be
en trying but no availe.
TheWad replied to the topic Novaworld problem in the forum TALK ABOUT ANYTHING 3 years, 1 month ago
I hate the fact NW is down but glad to hear I am not the only one having this problem. I hate reimaging servers!!!
TheWad replied to the topic AW2-NUKE-FEST in the forum MAPPING QUESTIONS 3 years, 9 months ago
I think this is it , this is the only one I found with this name.
TheWad replied to the topic Looking for a map AW Raven Shield in the forum TALK ABOUT ANYTHING 3 years, 9 months ago
I have attached it in this message but if it doesn’t attach ,just send me an email to thewad@gmail.com and I will send it to you . Put the map name in subject line.
TheWad replied to the topic Do you know where to find "Smugglers Hideout" map? in the forum MAPPING QUESTIONS 4 years, 3 months ago
I found Smugglers Hideout . It is on my server and I am posting to all want to play it
TheWad replied to the topic new maps in the forum TALK ABOUT ANYTHING 4 years, 7 months ago
I was directing the reply to Swarrior . We are trying to find oldman the creator of niles little helper . If anyone can contact him let us know . you can email me at thewad@gmail.com
TheWad started the topic router ports in the forum MAPPING NICE-TO-KNOWS 4 years, 7 months ago
I want to run two servers on the same router and need to know what ports to open on my router to accomplish this . I have 32768 for one pc but cannot figure out what to open for the second. Keep getting enumerating session on second one . Tried 65535 and 32787 .Thanks all!
TheWad posted an update 4 years, 7 months ago
Anyone know how to get in touch with “oldman” who created niles little helper. I have someone who is trying to get with them as they are wanting to convert AW maps to AW2 and cannot get it to do so. Please post here or email me at thewad@gmail.com
TheWad replied to the topic Do you know where to find "Smugglers Hideout" map? in the forum MAPPING QUESTIONS 4 years, 8 months ago
I appreciate people looking for this map but that is not the map I was looking for. It is smugglers hideout not the other. I also would like to know where any map download sites are. I got the top fifty but there are maps I cannot find. If we could find a patch that would let us play IC maps using AW2, that would open thousands of maps we all…[Read more]