September 15, 2023 at 11:22 #4309
Hi there,
since i saw a lot of Maps made the same mistake about the AI Accuracy Wac Script, i thought i should share how this is done correctly.
A Difficulty Adjustment/AI Accuracy Wac Script looks like this:
//***** Difficulty Adjustment *****
if (humans == 1) then accuracyspread = 15
elseif (humans == 2) then accuracyspread = 10
elseif (humans == 3) then accuracyspread = 7
elseif (humans == 4) then accuracyspread = 4
elseif (humans >= 5) then accuracyspread = 1
This script only works if both Accuracy Values for each Enemy/AI is below 100! Example: Accuracy 1 = 70, Accuracy = 90.I’ve played the last Months a lot of Maps that had this AI Setup: Accuracy1 = 75 & Accuracy2 = 100. Means, there is no Difficulty Adjustment in-Game because of the Accuracy2 100 Value! With Accuracy2 = 95 it would work just fine.
I hope, this is Helpful for new Maps in the Future or if some Mapmakers would like to adjust there old(er) Maps.
November 1, 2023 at 04:15 #4319
In my opinion, it is most player-friendly to let the player decide during the game on which level he wants to play.
I use two buttons (objects in the map) (one for raising the level and one for lowering it). The player can switch between level 1 (very easy) and level 10 (very hard) (so in 10 different difficulty levels).
I did this because some players are much better than others and 5 inexperienced players have no chance with this code. I know this because I AM a bad player. 🙂
Meanwhile, the players know this and look at my cards first where the buttons stand
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