• Inactive
    February 10, 2018 at 09:17 #2423

    Ah, now that’s the “if at first you don’t succeed, give up” approach.

    Maybe you should not say you like something if you don’t like it. It’s confusing. 😀

    There is  a b s o l u t e l y  no relationship between AI behaviour and environment or terrain files. 😨

    //terrain = DVXI1.TRN

    //1002 = DEADLY silver fish  – does not have the same properties as the red river fish!! 😝

    if ssnalive 1002 then
    if ssnnearssn 1002,player,50 and ssnalive player then
    ssn2ssn 1002,player

    This is just a test set up. It’s better to add a waypoint or maybe some algae on the water where the fish spawns so you can redirect the fish back to the algae when the player dies. Use the algae ssn in the nearssn command instead of the fish ssn to prevent the fish from swimming under ground. The algae will also block the fish from view to add an element of surprise. 🤓

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