Disco_Pete replied to the topic AW2 servers page is online! in the forum GENERAL AW2 DISCUSSION 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Disco_Pete replied to the topic AW2 servers in the forum TALK ABOUT ANYTHING 1 year, 10 months ago
I think they are doing maintenance. This seems to happen about once a year or so. If I recall correctly it can be up to two weeks.
The novapinger app shows the server is connecting but no one is home.
Disco_Pete replied to the topic WOLFRAT MAP ISSUES in the forum GENERAL AW2 DISCUSSION 2 years, 2 months ago
Hi, It’s been a while since you posted this but…
I had same issue and only fix I found was find which map causes the problem, usually only one but maybe more and don’t load it.
Add a few at a time and keep track.
Sometimes it will show up on the available mission list in Wolfrat but when I move it to the mission cycle list it would…[Read more]
Disco_Pete replied to the topic ARE NOVA SERVERS DOWN ? shared INFO / NOTICES / STATUS in the forum TALK ABOUT ANYTHING 2 years, 4 months ago
And as of Sept 12, 2022 they are down again.
Working on getting BattleLan working.
Any good tutorials, best practices, faqs etc?